Zach's New Haircut

Zach has stumbled into the 21st century - this is his first ever attempt at "blogging". Please be kind. Comments are welcome, but, of course, only if they are complimentary (I don't take criticism well...)
At any rate, read on MacDuff.
Having heard quite enough "innocent" questions from his co-workers (and his wife, for that matter) about potential barbers, Zach finally decided to brave his first haircut in Japan. Now, many of you already know that for Zach a haircut, even in Canada, is a difficult task, one which inevitably requires weeks (or months) of pre-cut deliberation. In Japan, the anxiety is heightened by the fact that Zach can barely communicate "short" or "long" to anyone here, what with his Japanese skills being embarassingly poor and most hairstylists not having chosen English as their major at beauty school. Imagine, then, the dread Zach felt when his loyal and well-meaning wife shepherded him downtown to one of the ridiculously expensive and pitifully trendy salons here in Kanazawa. The day was ill-fated from the beginning: a rain poured down all day, as if mourning the impending loss; Zach was unable to shake the sense of doom which had come over him. But with a brave face Zach faced his worst fears. An hour and a half later (!) the worst of it was over. Though he had only narrowly avoided a terrible 'hipster mullet' (thanks to Jane's not-so-subtle suggestions to the hairdresser), in the end all seems to have turned out well. I suppose, though, we can let you judge that. Either way, it has to be better than before (I offer as evidence any of the previous photos on this page in which I feature).
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