Giants Baseball Game

After Disney Sea we headed downtown to the Tokyo Dome where we caught our very first Major League Baseball game. Now, I myself am a Hiroshima Carp fan, but since they play a limited number of games in Tokyo, we went to a Giants game. The Giants are definately the number one team in Japan-- the most popular for sure, so almost every game is sold out! Our game was no exception and there were 55,000 people in attendance! We definately got our money's worth, as it was a dramatic finish in the bottom of the 9th as the Giants scored a run to break the tie and win the game!!! Some highlights of the night include the beer girls who have kegs on their backs that they carry around, while wearing short shorts and flourescent outfits, as well as the cheerleaders who were dressed as French maids!! Also of note, despite the size of the field and the number of people, at the end of the game the floor had not one piece of garbage or food on it, and was still ridiculously clean! (We saw one man who spilled his popcorn and was picking it up off the floor kernel by kernel-- could you imagine that in Commonwealth?)
Also, Zach rode the roller coaster in the background.
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