More Pictures of the past Week

I promised a soccer-playing dolphin, so here he is and more.
Helene's Trip

We have had a busy past week with Helene's arrival last Friday in Japan. Zach and I went to meet her in Tokyo, and as always it is so much fun to show Tokyo to new people!! Then we had a very quick change of pace as Helene and I went to the Izu Hanto to relax for a week as Zach went back to work. The peninsula is beautiful, with views of both ocean and mountains. It was great for me, as we were in the middle of nowhere, and there were no other foreigners, so I was forced/allowed to use my Japanese all day everyday, which so rarely happens in Kanazawa!! I discovered I could make the jump from survival Japanese to actually talking with people-- which made me really happy! We also took a couple of boat trips, which I absolutely love, as well as a trip to the 5th base camp of Fuji, which resulted in us not seeing Fujisan because of the mist! However, we were lucky on the way home, and could see him from the shinkansen. Now we are off to begin our adventures home and in Taiwan!!!!!

This week has been spent saying goodbye to many, many people as I finish all of my various jobs, but no goodbye was so hard as this one to one of my favourite kindergartens. They are so fun-- I will really miss teaching here!!

Last night Zach and I went to our very first prom ever, as a "sobetsuprom," or good-bye party was held for all of the people who are leaving this year. As it was my first prom, I don't have anything to compare it to except the movies, but it was still pretty fun! It was held on the 18th floor of the Sky Hotel, overlooking the city-- it was a beautiful view!!! It's sad to think that this is the last time that we will see many of these people!