Canadian Thanksgiving

Last weekend we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving in true Japanese style... well at least Jane and Zach style, with spaghetti (for Jane!) and a ton of wine (for Zach!). It was hard for us to believe that we could fit 20 people into our tiny apartment, let alone feed them, but 13 bottles of wine, one flat of beer and two angry neighbours later we were competely thankful. It was a lot of fun-- even if Canadians were definately in the minority!
Yay for Canadian Thanksgiving! By an unfortunate unforseen cicumstance, I actually went home for thanksgiving, so I didn't experience international Canadian thanksgiving, but glad to see it being celbrated worldwide.
Nice shirt ("Hug a Canadidan") I saw the same shirt on a girl at WEM before I left (for here = SoCal) so I went over and asked her where she got it, so I could try and get one (I know it's a girls shirt, but I figured something could be done; why do girls get to have all the fun?), she said American Eagle, but when I checked it out, they didn't have any. (*sniffle). Anyways forgive my random stories and glad to see it's going well for ya'll.
P.S. good luck on your GRE Zach if you haven't written it yet, and you totally have to come to Claremont Colleges because Southern California is so cool! (And 'cause I'm here!)
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