English Days

This weekend Zach and I, along with six other ALTs, 30 students, and almost as many teachers, went to a retreat about 30 minutes outside of the city into the mountains for "English Days,"a weekend of English activities and games, and for the students to have a chance to speak only English for two days-- which many of them actually do! It was so much fun, but I am so exhausted!!!
A Tribute to Bart

Our friend Bart has abandoned us for turkey and pumpkin pie, so in honour of him I present to you Mid-Year Conference as he would have seen it.
Mid-Year Conference

This week we were off for a business conference to Shika-machi. It was fun, and at night we had special cultural activities. I, surprisingly, went to the martial arts session! It was great fun, as I even learned to throw people!!! These pictures are from there, and also the banquet that we had.
Okonomiyaki, Karaoke and a Haircut

Saturday night we went to Blair's school's high school band concert. They recently won the gold medal in the Japanese National Brass Band competition (apparently Nishikigaoka was too good to enter). The concert was excellent, with lots of fun dancing. Afterwards we headed out for okonomiyaki and then for karaoke. In Japan there are always many highs and lows, but at karaoke it is always a high, so it was a really fun night! Plus, Zach and I both had our haircut that day. It was excellent, as it involved multiple head messages!!! I am in love with Japanese hair cuts, and I want to have it cut every week (so I may be bald before we leave the country!)
Drama Festival

Friday was the annual English Drama Festival. School spend months preparing a half hour play entirely in English for this competition, and Zach and I have therefore had months of late nights at school helping our students prepare. I think it was quite a success. My girls performed perfectly, but were then robbed of their fame and glory. Zach's school also did really well, and won third place, as well as best actress. These pictures, however, are of my girls.

Saturday Zach and I went to Nara, the ancient capital of Japan. Nara is famous for two things: deer and a huge Buddha! And there were plenty of deer, and the Buddha was huge!! We had a great time in Nara-- the temples and shrines were so beautiful, and the leaves were starting to change colour!! It was a really great day! Plus, I wasn't as scared of the deer as I thought I would be!!
New Forus!!!

This weekend the new Forus shopping mall opened in Kanazawa!! It is sadly one of the most exciting things to happen to Kanazawa since we've been here. Warning- the following makes me sound like such a hick, and it is difficult to remember I actually do come from a big city, but there is a GAP!!! and a LEVI'S!!!! and Yogun Fruz!!!!!!! AND---- A MOVIE THEATRE!!!!!! Who would have though a city could have a Gucci store, but not GAP? The highlight for many is a new Mexican restaurant!! (Not for me-- that would be the GAP, because I have yet to grow up). I have learned that Americans are ridiculously obsessed with Mexican food, and we have a very short supply of it in Japan, so this is the main theme of almost every conversation now! So, Friday Chris and I went to check out the excitement, and it definately lives up to the hype, I think!