Sunday, December 17, 2006

Bon Enkai

Every year offices and companies have a big party, or bon enkai (literally:forget the year), where all the staff go away for a night at a ryokan. These parties are infamous for their shenanigans and the amount of liquor consumed. Schools, apparently, are no different. Last weekend Zach was off to his bonenkai, and this weekend was mine. It was a lot of fun-- who knew that Bingo could be so exciting!! Some highlights include the Kyoto Sensei (Vice-Prinicipal) riding the mechanical bull- after Santa of course, and discovering "Strip Rock Paper Scissors." Apparently this is so common that it even has a name! (I didn't participate- it was actually performed on stage for us to watch). It was a really great time, and I had so much fun with all of my teachers!! Also, there was an amazing crab dinner!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Goodbye Pete!!

Our friend Pete is leaving next week to go to Med School in Australia, so last night was his going away party. It is going to be sad when he leaves, but last night was all about happiness!! The whole night was a lot of fun, but, then again, what night that ends with an accordian wouldn't be?

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