Kenroku-en: Day 2

For the second day we were off to the other top three garden, Kenroku-en. We were surprised, because the plus trees were starting to bloom already, which tells you just how warm the weather is here this year!
The Samurai District

For Dan and Shelley's first day in Kanazawa we came to explore the Samurai district. We even went to visit Nomura House, the house of a former Samurai leader. The house is particularly famous as having one of the top three house gardens in Japan (we just can't crack the top three here in KZ!). As you can see from the pictures, the garden was beautiful!
Eiheiji- Part III (The Dam)

The purpose of our hike was to reach a dam. Of couse, immediately upon our arrival at the dam, Zach decided that he had to climb to the top, so the pictures from the top are his. Of course, this made me really wonder what would happen if a bear came! I am the tiny white speck at the bottom of the dam.
Eiheiji- Part II

After our tour of the temple, Zach and I went for a hike up the mountain behind the temple. It was beautiful, as the first part was through a graveyard, and we walked along a little river the whole way, with many waterfalls. It was especially nice, as we were the only people around- which made me wonder what would we do if a bear came! Luckily, no bears, only beautiful moss covered gravestones and rocks.

Yesterday Zach and I went on a day trip down to Fukui to the town of Eiheiji. Eiheiji is famous because it is the head temple for the Soto Sect of Zen Buddhism. You can tour the temple complex where the monks and priests live, eat and meditate. We even saw a special meditation ceremony-or it seemed to me. It was a rainy day, so it was very mystical!
And Winter has left!

After two days of gross snow, crazy thunderstorms and cold, winter has apparently left Ishikawa!! Hopefully never to return (at least until we have left), but we are not quite so optimistic. Zach and I took advantage of the warm weather to go for a couple of walks this weekend, and here are some pictures we took. I promise there really was snow only a few days ago!
Winter Has Arrived!

Well, winter finally arrived yesterday. We really can't complain as it has been nice for three months longer than it should have been, but I will complain anyway! The wind broke my brand new umbrella yesterday! So, in honour of the snow and cold weather, here are some pictures of warmer days gone by.