Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Kobe- Chinatown

After finishing the GRE this weekend Zach and I headed to Kobe-- officially the last place on my "MUST SEE IN JAPAN" list. We arrived in Kobe just as it started pouring rain! I mean, POURING!! It was the hardest rain I have seen in a long time- and I live in Kanazawa However, having waited two years to see Kobe we just had to "gambaru," buy a couple of umbrellas and get wet! Our first stop was lunch in Chinatown. We went to this little family-run gyoza restaurant. We knew we were in good for a good meal when there was a line-up outside, even in the pouring rain, but we weren't prepared for how good it was! Some people rave about Kobe beef, but I love Kobe gyoza!! When we finished lunch there was still a huge line-up, and the rain had stopped!!! So we walked around Chinatown some more!

At the gyoza restaurant. The gyoza (Chinese dumplings) were made completely by hand in the little kitchen in the middle of the restaurant. When I asked if I could take a picture several members of the family were making gyoza; however, they quickly left telling the poor 15 year old son that I wanted a picture of only him and made him stay. He pretended to be embarrassed, but gave me a big smile when we left so he didn't really mind!

This is Chinese liquor that we found for sale. You have probably heard of a worm in a bottle of tequila, but an iguana? There were huge iguanas inside the liquor! Had it not been so disgusting we probably would have bought a lot of it!


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