Geiko in Kyoto

One of the most exciting parts of our recent trip to Kyoto and Tokyo this past two weeks, was on New Years Day at Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto. As we arrived at the temple on a beautiful day, we saw two geisha approaching the temple with us to do their New Years prayer and offering. They were absolutely indescribable--one of the most beautiful things that Zach or I have ever seen. They had an air of dignity and grace about them that was magical to see. It was interesting to watch, as not only were we absolutely mesmerized, but so we are of the Japanese visitors to the temple (and there were hundreds of them there at the time). It was really neat, because after their procession to the alter, the two geisha stayed and toured the temple, and visited with people and posed for pictures. It was amazing to see the two sides of them as at first they were so dignified, and after they were relaxed and chatting with each other and smiling.
The next day our exploration of Kyoto again began with two geisha at Ginkakuji, the silver temple, but we suspect these were meiko, or apprentices, as they were not nearly so beautiful, nor commanded the same attention and respect.
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