Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Golden Week- The First Half

This week is "Golden Week," named so because there are three national holidays in one week, and for Japanese people a rare event where they do not have to work, and can travel. As a result, the entire country goes on holiday, so we stay home, avoid the crowds, and enjoy the sunshine! Unfortunately, there are two days of work dividing Golden Week, so we were back at work today, but these pictures are from yesterday. Zach and I went swimming in the morning, and then walked downtown for a dance festival. Unfortunately, there was no dancing, only really bad bands and a University trampline team, but we had a great time anyway. Then, Chris joined us for more bad bands, and some even worse street dancing, plus some catch with the football! Then we walked to Chris' house, and on the way found some really neat backstreets we hadn't been down before. All in all it was a great summer day, and I even have the nasty sunburn to prove it!

Zach learns to trampoline!

Enjoying the sunshine!!

Zach and Chris play catch in the park.

The Street Dancers

An alleyway


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