Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Korean Food

Before we left, one of the things for which we were most excited was Korean food. Not to say that the culinary selection in Japan is lacking (you all know how much we love Japanese food); however, to find something even a little spicy is a bit of an ordeal here in Kanazawa. This was certainly not the case in Korea. Mounds of kimchi are served with every meal, and red pepper paste is always in abundance. What is more, food was everywhere. Markets had stall after stall selling green onion cakes, skewered meat of all kinds (see the corn dog below), fresh fruit juice and silk worm larvae (!). Needless to say, it was great!

Jane with her bibimba...

...and Zach with his.

Check out this monstrosity. Imagine a corn dog. Now take that corn dog and add another layer of batter. Then dip that batter in a bunch of french fries and deep fry the whole thing. Add ketchup and voila! Heart attack on a stick.

Last but not least... a steaming vat of silkworm larvae. Delicious!


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